Collect fish by day and at night try to survive the attack from a monster from the deeps who doesn't very much like you for some reason.

Day Time: Fishing.

Fish many kinds fishies with their own stats using your sea fishing rod with your sea hook and then sell them so you can get money for upgrades or save them up for the night.

Night Time: Card game.

Defend yourself with the cards you've saved up from the day against a monster who wants to kill you (hopefully you didn't sell all of your fish beforehand). Drag your card to move and block attacks from the monster and/or flick them at the monster to fight back!

Go Fish Stay Alive!


This was made for the 2024 FishFest!


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(1 edit) (+1)

The game is really strange at the start, but after just a few seconds, it becomes eye-catching. The design of the enemies is really good, but there is a bug when losing to the boss.

The fighting part was initially hard to understand, but after two deaths, I understood how to fight. And on the third try, I died too, and I keep losing against that monster, wow. But overall, the game is really good!

I don't know why, but the enemy keeps reminding me of Lovecraft, so I love it ♥

Just fix the fight when you lose to restart, and with that, the game could become much better ^^

Yeah — wish we could've gotten a victory and defeat screen in time :(

Thanks so much for the kind words!


The art is really amazing 10/10 (ok 9/10 because you reused one fish and changed its color but sometimes its basically impossible to tell them apart in the water)! the things I don't think are so good is everything else (besides the basic idea I like the idea behind it). I personally didn't like the fishing part of the game it felt a little to floaty for the style of the game. I didn't really understand how to attack or block attacks which was a slight issue. I think the biggest issue though is that the game just breaks after you lose all your health (no death screen you just get beat up for all eternity) and that there is no win screen (I spent like 20 min trying to figure out the game just to have some text show up for like 0.2 seconds then fade and I'm now stuck staring at an empty boss arena). music and sounds were pretty good though and I think the idea could create an amazing game if y'all keep working on it! the art really reminds me of don't starve!

For sure — the game lacks a tutorial, as well as a victory/defeat screen — so you'll have to refresh the page every time you want to play again.

Thanks for the feedback on the fishing part!


yeah if the game had those screens I def would have felt like this was a much more finished product!